martes, 10 de noviembre de 2015

Cañones Goliat... volver a la niñez / Goliath guns ... back to childhood

Quien no ha sido niño, y de chiquito le regalaron un cañoncito Goliat (yo aun conservo el mío… 40 años después), de impecable manufactura y excelentes materiales constructivos, este chiche tenia la posibilidad de efectuar disparos, mediante una corta mecha y unos proyectiles de plástico muy livianos, que en conjunto con su sistema de resorte, permitían enviar un balines con bastante precisión a unos cuantos metros (ha……. las grandes batallas con soldaditos de plástico sin pintar).

Modelo revolucionario chico.

A quien se lo debemos:

Saverio Jacobo Bonazza.

Nació en Balcarce el 10 de septiembre de 1920. Su padre, Salvador Saverio Bonazza, italiano afincado en esta ciudad, fotógrafo, pintor y escultor, fue el editor del primer diario –“El Diario”- y la primera revista –“Átomos”- de Balcarce. Falleció el 3 de Septiembre de 2004

Siguiendo la tradición familiar, desde su juventud se dedicó a la fotografía y se destacó en esa actividad exponiendo trabajos en salones internacionales en Río de Janeiro y Montevideo.
Relacionados con este metier fueron sus primeros inventos patentados. En la década del 50 inventó un trípode telescópico que comercializó junto a una cámara profesional, por él diseñada y que lleva su nombre, y que fue usada por los fotógrafos profesionales, durante décadas, en sus fotos de estudio. 
En esa misma época patentó también un tipo de ampliadora para laboratorios fotográficos, que tenía la particularidad de enfocarse automáticamente. Su afición a la práctica deportiva del tiro –que desarrolló desde su niñez en la Sala de Tiro al Blanco, de su padre, en la esquina de 17 y 16- lo llevó a fundar, con un grupo de amigos, el Tiro Federal Argentino de Balcarce, y, a partir de la década del 60 a desarrollar su inventiva en ese rubro.
Inventó y patentó en Argentina, EEUU y Francia sus famosos cañoncitos “Goliat”, réplicas que disparan como los originales, merced a un mecanismo de disparo por él inventado, que llegó a vender a la fábrica Bófors, de Suecia (de cañones “de verdad”) que usó una réplica Goliat de uno de sus cañones históricos, como obsequio a sus clientes, obviamente fuerzas armadas de distintos países del mundo.

Patentó mejoras en ballestas y fabricó réplicas de esas armas medioevales con las marcas Goliat y Guillermo Tell.

Inventó una carga sólida para armas de avancarga que, aplicada a réplicas de su fabricación, es usada por los cultores de esa especialidad de tiro.
Esta faceta de su actividad le valió importantes notas en medios nacionales, como el diario “Clarín” y las revistas “Siete Días”, “Weekend” y “Magnum”, además de la lógica repercusión en medios locales.

En la Fiesta del Deporte del año 1996, fue distinguido como “Ejemplo deportivo”.

En 1960 concibió e impulsó la idea de construir un Anfiteatro en el Cerro el Triunfo, que es el que hoy disfrutan balcarceños y visitantes.


En el año 2000, al cumplir ochenta años, el pueblo de Balcarce, por medio de sus representantes, el Intendente Municipal y el Consejo Deliberante, quiso honrarlo poniendo su nombre al Anfiteatro, que pasó a llamarse “Saverio Bonazza”.   
Fue también suya la idea de construir una hostería en el camino a La Movediza, para la que eligió el enclave panorámico. Lamentablemente, las construcciones iniciales fueron abandonadas antes de poder llegar a convertirse en un lugar de atractivo turístico.

Al celebrarse el centenario de la fundación del Partido de Balcarce, fue elegido su diseño, en concurso público, para constituir el Escudo de Balcarce. Curiosamente, también le cupo el segundo premio en dicho certamen. 

 Por María Bonazza

Mio nonno amato e grande.

Mi abuelo fue un padre para mi, pero tenia tiempos de abuelo, y por eso fueron cortos y ya no esta conmigo, cuando yo era chico y desde que tengo memoria el ya era "el viejo"...

El Viejo era un tipo fuera de serie, de primeras te podía chocar que te diga algo muy frontal sin conocerte, pero luego te darías cuenta que seguramente tenia razón... era un tipo muy alegre y espontáneo, ambicioso en su genialidad practica sobre todas las cosas... se destaco en todas las ramas de la creatividad y el arte de una manera totalmente natural y fluida…... a menudo acudían a el, personas de todos los rubros a consultarle diferentes cosas, toda clase de profesionales venían por su magia, y todos se iban con mas de lo que fueron a buscar en el……... era una persona fuera de serie, un tipo increíble.

Mis primeros recuerdos, cuando yo tenía entre s 6 u 8 años... (Ahora tengo 37), eran los recuerdos del taller de mi abuelo…. y de la gente que trabajaba allí, un ambiente muy especial, donde no había jefes ni empleados y donde todos parecían disfrutar el lugar en que se alojaba la fabrica…... la casa del viejo, mi casa.

Toda la linea producida actualmente.
Para cuando mi memoria comenzó a guardar recuerdos, el viejo ya había hecho miles de cosas... en su juventud eran las picadas y los autos, aeromodelismo, fotografía, pintura, dibujo…. Y tantas otras cosas que nunca sabré; su genio era increíble, no tenia limites, tenia una comprensión de la vida, mas allá de cualquier persona de su edad..... Era un chico grande... con incansables sueños y proyectos, sobre los cuales construya día a día su pragmatismo único y singular.

El primer recuerdo que llega a mi mente del taller es sobre Félix, hermano de mi abuela... Félix (Liso), habitaba una cantidad increíble de horas frente al torno revolver con el que se fabrican la mayoría de las piezas en los primeros pasos…... wowww, yo lo miraba, era muy pequeño, y no entendía lo veía; al Liso…. horas y horas…. Ahí como si la maquina lo moviera a el y el disfrutara de ello.

Liso era un tipo muy sencillo, solitario, timbro, algo chupador seguramente y bastante introvertido... esa maquina ahora comprendo era parte ya de su personalidad... ja ja, te posee... es muy loco ¡! me detengo acá a explicarlo...

Como sabemos el Bronce y todas sus aleaciones se caracterizan por ser maleables... pero además por esta característica, poseen una sonoridad particular... esto combinado con la flexibilidad mecánica del torno, hace del trabajo algo muy artesanal... no se si con letras lo podría explicar.

Lo entendí 25 años después, quince años después de haber trabajado con esa maquina, ahí comprendí a Liso... el torno es una maquina que te hace parte de ella, difícil de explicar sin estar al frente del mismo... como dije anteriormente, el sonido que produce el cobalto cortante sobre el bronce durante la jornada de trabajo se vuelve algo hipnótico.        

Cargas y mechas
Siendo para mi, una herramienta mas de fabricación, así pues muchos años después pude disfrutar con mucho placer al  tomar sus palancas...  y, al corte, sentir la flexibilidad y el tono armónico de la pieza que se trabaja..... es raro “ ya seeee... ja ja ja”... luego de tantos años puedo decir que es fantástico poder hacer piezas con los ojos cerrados... solo sintiendo la vibración, las palancas, el cobalto y el sonido del bronce... creo que esa maquina es la parte mas mágica de la fabricación... por mas que ajuste con precisión sus 8 cabezales de herramientas móviles y regule con exactitud sus topes para cada persona será diferente, y esto es comprobado... la cosa no es automática, es sentirlo... como si tocáramos un instrumento musical... así tocaba Félix... y esa era toda la magia que en aquel momento no podía comprender pero, que se sentía vibrante al verlo al Liso trabajar, incansablemente, con placer... sin dudas, como tocando un instrumento que no importa lo que producirá, mas allá del placer del momento de sentirlo en sus manos.

Cuando tenia 16 años, para ese momento, la fabrica ya estaba vacía hacia tiempo... solo quedaba  el viejo”, nunca fue un negocio para el, siempre fue un placer estar en ese lugar y por eso allí siempre hizo lo que soñaba y sentía...

Modelo naval.
Para aquel entones, habían fabricado allí; cámaras fotográficas, ballestas, cañones, pólvora... y en ese momento comenzaba a centrarse los esfuerzos en producir el rifle de avancarga y la pólvora sin humo... nada lo detenía, era como un chico con sueños de delirante grande ja ja ja...

Pasaba no horas... sus días no median en horas, median en ideas, proyectos, pruebas y contrapruebas, era un tipo extremadamente practico...

Todos los días ocurría la misma situación... se levantaba muy temprano, excitado y apurado por plasmar en planos dibujados a mano alzada lo que había soñado esa noche... ideas geniales que le venían en sueños... Al mediodía era recurrente que mi tía lo llamara mas de 10 veces a comer... y el no podía dejar de construir su propio sueño, si fuera por el ni comía... una leve siesta meditativa sobre los posibles cambios de su creación y de nuevo a su mágico lugar...

Por allí era común ver venir gente, a hacerle diversas consultas al Viejo Bonaza, de lo que sea, el hombre era un genio………. eso si, por ahí caías cuando algo le salía mal y te echaba a la demonio sin tapujo alguno, pero he ahí algo muy especial en su genial persona, no tenia ningún reparo de arrepentirse luego y pedir amablemente disculpas con una sonrisa, y decir su frase "así es la vida..."

Si pasabas caminando por la vereda del taller... podías escuchar, tal vez una terriblemente buena puteada, pero de las buenas. Fuertes y gruesas…... pues seguramente alguna pieza rebelde que después de mucho trabajo se quebraba, generaba mil maldiciones, para luego con un "asi es la vida", volver a comenzarla con lo aprendido...

También podías escuchar un tiro, y luego una risa de grandeza como un "wooojojojo...”, o escuchar un tenor impecable interpretado al mejor estilo Pavarotti o Placido Domingo, (cantaba realmente muy bien), y todo eso en un audio al unísono, todo junto y  potencia suficiente puedo asegurar; para escucharlo en ambas esquinas… ja ja ja.

La fotografía, antes que yo llegara al mundo, fue una de sus grandes pasiones...
Cuando el viejo me decía "veni "Otavio", te voy a sacar una foto" era mortal, yo me queria morir, sabia que demoraría un buen rato la cuestión... me sentaba frente a un gran ventanal en la galería, enfocaba su cámara.... y cuando parecía que iba a hacer click... ahí empezaba la cuestión... cerraba la cortina un poco... casi imperceptible para mi, volvía a enfocar... abría la cortina... volvía a enfocar... "quédate quieto!!" me decía ja ja ja... movía mi cabeza hacia un lado... enfocaba de nuevo... luego la movía hacia el otro.. "quédate quieto Octavio" de nuevo ja ja ja... cerraba la cortina... y así podíamos estar 40 minutos, hasta que llegaba el momento del click... era uno de sus artes la fotografía, y lo hacia así, como todo, nunca de otra manera... así vivía en un estado creativo artesanal constante con todo lo que lo rodeaba... sus cuadros en óleo son fantásticos... sus dibujos de planos y proyectos a mano alzada de desayuno son increíbles...! 
 Mini cañon llavero, una verdadera joyita, totalmente funcional.

Diseño el rifle de avancarga, al tiempo que yo empecé a trabajar volviendo a fabricar los cañones discontinuados cuando tenía 17 años...

Mientras el estaba con su proyecto de rifle, pólvora, balas... etc... Para ese momento ya había hecho todo, pero aun siguieron durante años las pruebas y contrapruebas practicas... la prueba sobre cualquier cosa que hiciese era simple... podía salir bien 100 veces, pero el viejo no se iba a detener hasta que algo saliera mal, entonces buscaría el como y el porque, soñaría sus defectos y virtudes para luego amanecer cambiando todo y preparando nuevas pruebas... era así, no se si entiende, es una personalidad muy compleja y muy difícil para mi reflejar en letras.

Balcarce, su ciudad es un lugar muy chico, y aun mas pequeño era por allá en tiempos anteriores, por lo que no había chance de nada hecho... había y hay hasta hoy en día, que construir todo.

Por ejemplo ya habiendo fabricado su maquina de estriar, habiendo probado varios pasos y calibres, habiendo diseñado el rifle, la pólvora y las puntas de plomo... luego de todo eso, quedaban en un rincón las maquetas de madera, prototipos de matrices para construir matrices!!!, el proceso de cada cosa era: sueño, plano dibujado, prototipo en madera, prueba 1, 2 y las que fuesen necesarias en material, resultado, prueba practica del producto terminado, búsqueda de error, y volver al comienzo para repararlo... su ingenio era un circulo incansable...

Entre todas las cosas que yo te puedo contar; creo que lo mas llamativo que recuerdo y me sorprendo cada vez que las contemplo, son las frezas con las que fabrico los moldes para las puntas del rifle, totalmente hechas a mano!!... cuya forma especifica, fue estudiada físicamente, sin dejar nada librado al azar... con un rito de templado único, forma, material, templado, cantidad de dientes, Angulo de corte, todo los detalles para fabricar una freza, la cual cumpliría la función de producir el  molde; el cual luego de ser usado para fundir las puntas y hacer 1000 pruebas practicas, seria aceptado o descartado para volver a comenzar... no se conformaba con absolutamente nada...  pero, al mismo tiempo , no era un tipo ambicioso mas allá de sus sueños, el comprendía en su vida como que lo mas valioso era el tiempo, y así lo aprovechaba, se veía que se le escapaba de las manos a cada instante, la vida no le alcanzaba.

Poco le importaba el dinero mas que solo como medio para sus realizaciones... a menudo andaba sin un solo peso en los bolsillos y daba mas de lo que tenia... pero si hay algo que no te iba a dar y que solo me dio a mi era lo que no tenia, y era su tiempo... y si que me lo dio, yo era pibe y había que tenerme paciencia je je je...

Fue un personaje muy reconocido y querido tanto en su ciudad como fuera de ella, muy seguido venia gente de muy lejos solo para escucharlo hablar de lo que el quiera... y todos lo escuchaban asombrados, callados, como alumnos a los que su maestro veía como amigos...

Recibió muchísimos reconocimientos... era excelente dibujante y pintor, era un idealista de cosas obvias, practicas y reales a las que llevaba siempre a buen puerto... así creo el escudo de la ciudad, ideo y diseño el anfiteatro que lleva su nombre, fue uno de los fundadores del tiro federal, y en todas sus realizaciones puso su vida, su tiempo... y nunca espero nada a cambio mas que sentir en el momento crear su propio sueño...

Otra frase que caracterizaba su forma de comprender y respetar a los de mas era "haces bien...", hicieras lo que hicieras, si era lo que vos querías hacer el te regalaba un "haces bien...", y si bien era un tipo muy conservador, al mismo tiempo estaba abierto a las decisiones de cada persona, no juzgaba ni prejuzgaba a nadie... siempre haces bien... porque así es la vida queridos amigos...

Así diseño y creo sin exagerar el conjunto mas preciso, simple y perfecto en su forma... rifle, pólvora, calibre y punta... cientos de miles de pruebas y contrapruebas... y la satisfacción de ver llegar los blancos desde lejos,,, de gente que enviaba sus tiradas perfectas, asombrados por un rifle construido por un armero en un pequeño pueblo de Buenos Aires... quien posee uno de estos rifles puede estar de acuerdo conmigo y tener la prueba en sus manos.

Ahora puedo decir que los Cañones Goliat son parte de mi identidad... y llevo a mi viejo padre con titulo de abuelo en cada uno que fabrico... las herramientas, los cobaltos y las matrices son las mismas que hace 40 años!! Y fueron fabricadas por el viejo!!

A menudo cuando me preguntan que hago; me cuesta decir fabrico los cañones... porque es difícil de explicar, y por que si lo explico tengo que hablar del viejo...... ya que no podría atribuirme la creación de ellos!! Y a menudo también, se me tilda de tornero, o carpintero, cosa que no soy ni un poquito, siéndome difícil expresar como puedo fabricar algo así sin ser tornero, pero después de contar todo lo dicho la explicación se hace mas fácil... solo reproduzco un sueño realizado por mi viejo abuelo, "el" viejo... quien ahora me diría con una sonrisa "haces bien...!"... y, si pudiera hoy, le respondería "así es la vida viejo!!”

Por Octavio Dagata

Nieto de Saverio Jacobo Bonazza

Copia de la patente realizada en los Estados Unidos por Bonazza.

Oct. 6, 1964 s. J. BoNAzzA 3,151,411


United States Patent O 3,151,411 TOY GUN WITH SLIDABLE CHAMBER Saverio Jacobo Bonazza, Balcarce, Buenos Aires, Argentina Filed Sept. 19, 1962, Ser. No. 224,805 10 Claims. (Cl. 42-55) This invention relates to toys and more particularly to a toy gun having a safety trigger, the principal object of the invention being to provide a toy of this kind that will prevent the escaping of gases and sparks developed at the moment of the explosion through the bore or priming hole ofthe gun, by means of a safety device thus protecting the improvised gunner. To this end the said safety device comprises a powder chamber slidable against resilient means housed inside the gun body which upon engagement with the breech may cause the recoil thereof; the safety device consisting in that the priming hole is formed by two lengths drilled through the barrel and the said slidable chamber so that in order to keep these lengths aligned a solid fuse capable of overcoming the tension of the said resilient means has to be inserted. The report is produced by means of a plug or plastic projectile blocking the mouth of the gun. These features as well as others appearing in this specification will be discussed in detail hereinafter.

As is well known there are a great many toy guns of numerous forms and models. Many of them are fancy models. created by the manufacturers imagination inspired by the more or less realistic shapes of real armament and are simply static reproductions. Others are more highly developed and have spring mechanisms, discharging small shells or throwing bundles of flames produced by flint. However, so far as is known no toy gun has been produced that will permit real tiring with explosive charges and the consequent report while being at the same time completely harmless to the user. One of the main ditliculties met with in various attempts is the disturbance caused by the priming hole or flash-hole since in small models the diameter of the vent relative to the calibre of the bore is rather signicant and a considerable part of the expansive power of the powder with the consequent llame or sparks escapes through the said vent with some danger to the gunner.

The device according to the invention is ideally suited to avoid the said difl'iculties, solving the problem by means of a slidable chamber which prevents the escape of gases and sparks by interrupting the length of the vent and sealing ofi the orifice. As already pointed out above the recoil of the chamber makes the model more realistic by assimilating its operation to that of real guns. One important particular, bearing in mind the users safety, is that the length of the barrel has been exactly calculated so as to hold the explosive charge and the plug blocking the mouth of the gun, provided exclusively in order to increase the volume of the report; this plug or projectile, which may be made of soft, solid or hollow plastic (polyethylene) serves as a shell that can be fired over a distance of from 2 to 3 metres with sufficient aim to hit small targets at these distances or even longer ones. Should the user try to insert a metal projectile or the like, the lack of space for the plug would not allow a perfect seal so that much of the energy could escape through the gap about the pellet or ball and by losing itself in the ambient air would not allow the ball to gather suilicient speed or momentum to become an offensive weapon.

So that the invention may be clearly understood and practised in its basic idea, a detailed description of a preferred embodiment of the same will now be given, in which embodiment the barrel has been made according to an old miniaturized model, with reference to the accompanying drawings which form a part of this specification, it being understood that the description and the showings are merely illustrative and are not to be construed as limiting the invention. In the drawings:

FIG. l is a sectional side view of an old artillery piece, with the chamber slid against the safety return spring and held in tiring position by means of a solid fuse., the gun being duly charged and its mouth plugged by means of a plug inserted with sorne pressure.

FIG. 2 is similar to FIG. 1, but showing the precise moment when the outer portion of the flash-hole or vent of the gun has been stopped olf by the displacement of the safety chamber by the combustion and explosion of the portion of the fuse inside the camber. This sequence takes place in extremely short fractions of a second, hardly noticeable.

FlG. 3 shows a modified embodiment in which the chamber is pushed towards the breach by resilient means causing the recoil of the gun.

FIG. 4 is a perspective view of the gun to be described, made according to a primitive old model.

Throughout the drawings the same reference numbers and letters indicate like or corresponding members or parts.

Essentially and in the particular instance shown in FIG. 1 the present invention comprises an artillery piece made up by a breech 1 from whose high portion there extends the curved surface 2 terminating in the knob 3. The breech is completely closed and the body of the gun is drilled on one side only, constituting the barrel 4. The end of the barrel is shaped according to an old model vith a curved prolile that strengthened the mouth of the real gun and that used to wear the front sight or aiming point, the other sight being provided on the aforementioned high portion of the breech. The rear part of the gun houses an expansion spring 5 pushing towards the mouth of the gun an insertable slidable chamber 6 and in order to keep this chamber from rotating it may be provided with various devices for annulling this tendency. One of such devices is constituted by a screw 7 engaged in a guideway 8 cut in the barrel, such as shown in FlG. l, or a guideway 8 in the slidable chamber 6 when the screw 7' is screwed into the barrel, as shown in FlG. 3. This arangement serves to misalign completely the two portions or lengths 9 and 10 which make up the drill hole or vent, thus stopping up completely the vent; however when the chamber' slides axially its portion of the vent will register with the portion of the vent in the barrel.

In order to insert the fuse the end of the chamber projecting from the mouth of the gun must be pressed, overcoming the tension of spring 5 until the portions 9 and 1() forming the uninterrupted vent register whereupon the fuse 11 may be inserted. In order to keep the safety device describcd assembled the fuse must have some strength or solidity enabling it to resist the tension of spring 5. As will be seen in the drawings the chamber 6 slides inside the bore of the gun. The plug 12 is inserted in the chamber with some pressure, or an explosive charge not shown in the drawings may be inserted in the said chamber the latter being then stopped up by the said plug in order to enhance the sound effect of the expansive wave.

FIG. 2 illustrates the exact moment when the fuse, consumed up to the vent, permits the sliding movement of the chamber that stops up the vent and seals the chamber so that the rest of the fuse within the chamber causes the explosion.

The whole of the outer body of the gun remains stationary.

In a modified embodiment of the invention shown in FIG. 3 the last portion of the breech comprises a sleeve 13 slidable in the hollow interior of a first body 14. This sleeve 13 is secured to a rod 15 which terminates in the chamber 16 after passing through an apertured partition 17.

This partition separates inwardly the rst body 14 from the barrel 18. Resilient means shown as n spiral expansion spring 19 surround rod 1S and are enclosed in the first body 14. This spring pushes the sleeve 13 out- Wards, bearing against the latter and the partition 17. Consequently the two portions 9' and 1li of the vent are out of registry and in order to insert the fuse it is necessary to push the knob 3' overcoming the tension of the spring 19 until the curved surface 2' abuts the high portion of the breech 1. Thus the two portions 9 and 10 register forming an uninterrupted vent into which the fuse may be inserted, In a further modification the chamber is integral with the barrel and the whole is slidable in the front part of the first body.

In these embodiments, in order to avoid the rotation of the chamber in the barrel, besides the already mentioned devices the same results may be obtained by providing a screw or small stop on the movable member, either the insertable chamber or the barrel, while the guidcway is provided in the inner wall of the barrel. This arrangement has the advantage of not being visible from the outside, improving the finishing. Another modification would be to give the rod 15 and the hole by which it passes through the partition 17 a certain shape forcing these members to lie in a determined position, c g. a straight length or a polygonal shape. e.g. a square one.

The toy is completed by placing the gun on its carriage mount 20 by means of its trunnions 21 secured in clamps 22 which permit the gun to be inclined in various angles to take aim. The gun carriage mounted on two wheels 23 has at its sides the usual fittings for this kind of artillery. In FIG. 4 a receptacle 24 and a ramrod 2S are shown.

In another possible modification the trigger device is applied directly to the barrel and this modified embodiment is characterized in that the vent is provided directly in a reduced diameter portion of the rear part of the barrel and is stopped up when upon the burning of the solid fuse the said reduced diameter portion hides inside the gun body when the barrel is being pushed by the tension of the spring. In this embodiment the barrel recoils when the discharge takes place, thus stopping up the vent. This embodiment may be simplied dividing in two the first body and making in the breech portion a housing into which a cylindrical projection of reduced diameter, formed in the front part of the gun, is inserted with a slight play permitting its easy sliding movement. This cylindrical projection contains the vent designed to receive the solid fuse. The curved surface (2 or 2') continues inside the breach in the form of a threaded bolt and passes through a cavity permitting as above the accommodation of an expansion spring, and is then screwed into the said cylindrical projection. When the explosion has taken piace the cylindrical projection hides in the housing provided in the breech thus stopping up the vent and causing a tight seal.

The basic mechanism of the invention may be applied to embodiments other than the mentioned ones, comprising amongst others the most recent breech-loading guns. This type of gun has an opening through which the shell and the explosive charge may be introduced and the breechblock and safety device with its corresponding vent, which operates sideways to the bore of the gun and is accessible from the outside by means of a handle which moves along a groove. In order to load the gun this handle is moved sideways and drives against an expansion spring a plunger plugging the opening; the charge is introduced, the plunger is permitted to move until the vent is opposite the loading opening and then the solid fuse is inserted, thus locking the plunger. When fuse is suliiciently burnt down the plunger continues moving and stops up the vent and immediately afterwards the explosion take place.

ln an interesting modiiied embodiment the safety trigger mechanism may be hingedly mounted on a support so as to discharge like a. mortar in various angles up to and including a vertical line. Thus the device may be mcd to launch rockets, gliders and aeroplanes. In one such embodiment used to launch a roel-:ct missile the latter is provided with a fuse to lire its own propulsive charge. This device gives the missile an initial acceleration and the very flame ofthe explosion lights the rockets fuse which previously has been connected to the explosive charge contained in thc device. Thus the initial speed impressed on the rocket increases the height ol. its selfpropelled flight.

From the foregoing description and the accompanying drawings it will be clearly seen that this invention as applied to toys and generally to models made to scale provides novel features. particularly by the realistic eliect of the discharge which causes the usual recoil in this kind of piece of ordnance as Well as a loud report, while at the same time the users are protected by the safety members which make up the assembly. The arrangement of the vent in two relatively slidable portions produces a valve efleet that stops up the flash-hole preventing the escape of gases and sparks, as already explained. On the other hand, as to its appearance, the gun may be made to look as desired like an old cannon or a modern piece of ordnance or a fancy gun and may be artistically finished as an object of art recalling historic epochs and pleasing by the beauty of its design.

The fuse used is compounded according to the following formula:

Percent, approx.

Potassium chlorate 40 Smokeless powder 35 Carbon black 15 Antimony sulphide 5 Red potassium ferrocyanide 5 Obviously the proportions of the components may vary and what is desired is to obtain a fuse sulliciently solid to lock the mechanism of the gun. The fuse is made by mixing the iineiy divided components in acetone until a pasty mass is formed which is then extruded into fuses.

Naturally, when performing this invention certain altcrations, modifications and changes may be made in some structural details and in the arrangement and shape of the gun described without departing from the basic principles and the scope of the invention as clearly specilied in the following claims.

Having now particularly described and ascertained my said invention and in what manner the same is to be performed, l declare that what I claim is:

l. A toy gun comprising, in combination, a gun body member and a chamber member disposed within said body member and each having a small aperture therein for receiving a fuse, said body and chamber members being movable relative to one another between a iirst relative position wherein said apertures are in alignment and a second relative position wherein said apertures are out of alignment, spring means for urging said members toward said second relative position, said members being manually movable to said rst relative position, and a solid fuse adapted to be inserted into the two aligned apertures when said body and chamber members are in said first relative position so as to extend from the exterior of said body member to the interior of said chamber member and thereby hold said members in said first relative position against said spring force whereby upon burning of said fuse said members will be moved by said spring to said second relative position and the burning of the fuse portion Within said chamber will produce a report.

2. A toy gun comprising, in combination, a gun body member and an open-ended chamber member disposed within said body member and each having a small aperture therein for receiving a fuse, said body and chamber members being movable relative to one another between a first relative position wherein said apertures are in alignment and a second relative position wherein said apertures are out of alignment, spring means for urging said members toward said second relative position, said members being manually movable to said first relative position, a plug adapted to be inserted into said chamber to close the open end thereof, and a solid fuse adapted to be inserted into the two aligned apertures when said body and chamber members are in said first relative position so as to extend from the exterior of said body member to the interior of said chamber member and thereby hold said members in said first relative position against said spring force whereby upon burning of said fuse said members will be moved by said spring to said second relative position and the burning of the fuse portion within said chamber will produce a report and cause said plug to be propelled from said chamber.

3. A toy gun comprising, in combination, a gun body having a longitudinal axis, a chamber member disposed within said body member, said body and chamber members each having a small aperture therein for receiving a fuse, and said body and chamber members being movable relative to one another in a direction parallel to said longitudinal axis between a first relative position wherein said apertures are in alignment and a second relative position wherein said apertures are out of alignment, spring means for urging said members toward said second relative position, said members being manually movable to said first relative position, and a solid fuse adapted to be inserted into the two aligned apertures when said body and chamber members are in said first relative position so as to extend from the exterior of said body member to the interior of said chamber member and thereby hold said members in said first relative position against said spring force whereby upon burning of said fuse said members will be moved axially by said spring to said second relative position and the burning of the fuse portion within said chamber will produce a report.

4. The invention of claim 3 wherein guide means is provided to prevent rotation of said body and chamber members when they are moved axially relative to one another.

5. A toy gun comprising, in combination, a gun body member, a chamber member disposed within said body, said body and chamber members each having a small aperture therein for receiving a fuse, said chamber member being movabie within said body member to a first position wherein said apertures are in alignment and a second position wherein said apertures are out of alignment, spring means for urging said chamber member toward said second position, said chamber member being manually movable to said first position, and a solid fuse adapted to be inserted into the two aligned apertures when said chamber member is in said first position so as to extend from the exterior of said body member to the interior of said chamber member and thereby hold said chamber member in said first position against said spring force whereby upon burning of said fuse said chamber member will be moved by said spring to said second position and the burning of the fuse portion within said chamber will produce a report.

6. A toy gun comprising, in combination, a gun body having a longtitudinal axis, a chamber member disposed within said body, said body and chamber members each having a small aperture generally transverse to said axis for receiving a fuse, said chamber member being axially slidable within said body member between a first position wherein said apertures are in alignment and a second position wherein said apertures are out of alignment, spring means for urging said chamber toward said second position, said chamber member being manually slidable axially to said first position, and a solid fuse adapted to be inserted into the two aligned apertures when said chamber member is in said first position so as to extend from the exterior of said body member to the interior of said chamber member and thereby hold said chamber member in said first axial position against said spring force whereby upon burning of said fuse said chamber member will be moved by said spring to said second axial position and the burning of the fuse portion within said chamber will produce a report.

7. A toy gun comprising, in combination, a gun body having a longitudinal axis, a chamber open at its forward end and disposed within said body, said body and chamber member each having a small aperture generally transverse to said axis for receiving a fuse, said chamber member being axially slidable within said body member between a first position wherein said apertures are in alignment and a second position wherein said apertures are out of alignment, spring means for urging said chamber toward said second position, said chamber member being manually slidable axially to said first position, a plug adapted to be inserted into the forward end of said chamber to close the open end thereof, and a solid fuse adapted to be inserted into the two aligned apertures when said chamber member is in said rst position so as to extend from the exterior of said body member to the interior of said chamber member and thereby hold said chamber member in said first axial position against said spring force whereby upon burning of said fuse said chamber member will be moved by said spring to said second axial position and the burning of the fuse portion within said chamber will produce a report and cause said plug to be propelled from the forward end of said chamber.

8. The invention of claim 7 wherein guide means is provided to prevent rotation of said chamber member within said body member and also to limit the axial movement of said chamber member within said body member.

9. A toy gun comprising, in combination, a generally cylindrical gun barrel member having an axial bore therein, a generally tubular chamber member closed at its rear end and open at its forward end and disposed within said bore, said barrel and chamber members each having a small aperture generally transverse to the axis of said bore for receiving a fuse, said chamber member being axially slidable within said barrel between a first position wherein said apertures are in alignment and a second position wherein said apertures are out of alignment, spring means disposed within said barrel rearwardly of said chamber for urging said chamber toward said second position, said chamber member being manually slidable axially to said first position, a plug adapted to be inserted into the forward end of said chamber to close the open end thereof, and a solid fuse adapted to be inserted into the two aligned apertures when said chamber member is in said first position so as to extend from the exterior of said barrel member to the interior of said chamber member and thereby hold said chamber member in said first axial position against said spring force whereby upon burning of said fuse said chamber member will be moved by said spring to said second axial position and the burning of the fuse portion within said chamber will produce a report and cause said plug to be propelled from the forward end of said chamber.

l0. A toy gun comprising, in combination, a generally cylindrical gun barrel member having an axial bore therein, a generally tubular chamber member closed at its rear end and open at its forward end and disposed within said bore, said barrel and chamber members each having a small aperture generally transverse to the axis of said bore for receiving a fuse, said chamber member being axially slidable within said barrel between a first rearward position wherein said apertures are in alignment and the open forward end of said chamber is approximately flush with the end of said barrel and a second forward position wherein said apertures are out of alignment and the forward end of said chamber projects forwardly from the end of said barrel, guide means for preventing rotation of said chamber within said barrel, spring means disposed within said barrel rearwardly of said chamber for urging said chamber toward said second forward position, said chamber member being manually slidable axially to said first rearward position, a plug adapted to be inserted into the forward end of said chamber to close the open end thereof, and a solid fuse adapted to be inserted into the two aligned apertures when said chamber member is in said first rearward position so as to extend from g the exterior of said barrel member 'lo the interior of said chamber member and thereby hold said chamber member in said first rearward axial position against said spring force whereby upon burning of said fuse said chamber member will be moved by said spring to said second orward axial position and the burning of the fuse portion within said chamber will produce a report and cause said plug lo be propeiled from the forward end of said chamber.

Gracias por tu cortesia Octavio.

Modelo Revolucionario Grande con 39 años a upa el mio aun me hace divertir como antaño.  

Consiga toda la linea Goliat en::::::

LCF 2015

Linea del 60ª aniversario de la creacion de goliat, se construyeron varias versiones especilaes de bajo tiraje y numerados

Modelos revolucionarios, chicos ; a la izquierdade lujo y a derecha edicion especial.

Actualizada 2021 

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